Using Vikane® fumigant eliminates the need to search for bed bugs and repeatedly treat them because Vikane “finds” the bed bugs by moving through every space in a structure. Another advantage of using Vikane is that bed bugs have no resistance to it, and only one treatment is needed to kill all bed bugs in a home. That makes Vikane a more cost-effective option than multiple treatments using insecticides. Some bed bugs are resistant to the insecticides commonly used in crack and crevice treatments. And if all bed bugs — including eggs — are not eliminated from a home, the eggs will hatch and the problem will continue. Fumigation with Vikane guarantees bed bugs will be eliminated from a home; other treatments cannot ensure the problem will be solved in one application. The Proven Solution to Bed BugsVikane is a proven way to eliminate bed bugs and get peace of mind. Used by qualified, licensed professionals, Vikane can eliminate bed bugs in an entire home or building with its contents in place. Clutter is not a concern with Vikane. Further, Vikane has even been used to eliminate bed bugs from cars that have become infested from luggage or other personal belongings. Extensive research conducted by experts in the field, and reviewed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has verified that Vikane will eliminate all life stages of bed bugs, even those hiding in furnishings and bedding, when the dose rate listed on the label is applied.FUMIGATIONFACTSBed Bugs, Can Happen to Anyone, AnytimeFor many, the only sign of bed bugs might be bite marks on their skin that could be easily mistaken for a rash or mosquito bites. Another sign is dark red or brownish spots on bedding from bed bug waste. Like mosquitoes, bed bugs feed on blood. Bed bugs come out at night, and bites generally do not wake up someone who is sleeping. Bed bugs will also feed on pets, including dogs, cats and birds. Adult bed bugs are: • About ¼-inch long • Reddish to dark brown in color • Have flattened bodies They cannot fly, but can run quickly. Eggs and newly hatched nymphs are pale and very tiny — the size of a pinhead — so they can be difficult to see. They commonly infest a home by “hitchhiking” inside on personal belongings, including suitcases, backpacks, purses, clothing and furnishings. The to key to preventing bed bugs from affecting your life is to look for them when returning from trips, in new residences prior to moving and in newly purchased used appliances, furnishings and clothing. Professional help is recommended to control bed bugs.What You Need to KnowOnce virtually eliminated in the United States, bed bugs are again a troubling pest in America. Bed bugs target every type of place people live — homes, apartments and even five-star hotels. And once inside, bed bugs can be difficult to eliminate. Bed bugs are difficult to control because they are hard to find. During the day they will hide inside: • Box springs and mattresses • Furniture • Children’s stuffed animals • Carpeting • Drapes • Behind baseboards or in any crack no bigger than the thickness of a credit cardBed bugs also live in: • Televisions • Computers • Remote controls or other sensitive electronics that cannot be treated with steam, heat or insecticides without risking damageVikane is the Reliable AnswerPest management professionals and their customers have relied on Vikane for over 50 years to eliminate many types of insects — drywood termites, wood-destroying beetles, bed bugs, cockroaches and more. Vikane has been used to successfully eliminate pests in more than 3 million structures, including all types of residences, science and art museums, health care facilities, university research buildings, historic structures, schools and hotels. To find out more about how Vikane can restore your peace of mind, talk to your pest management professional or visit facts about Vikane® fumigant explain how it eliminates bed bugs. • It is effective against all life stages of bed bugs, including the difficult-to-control eggs. • Bed bugs have no resistance to Vikane. • Vikane moves throughout every space in a building, into cracks and crevices, into furniture and through any other hiding places — even into electronics. Once the fumigant has been held in place long enough to ensure control, the treated structure is aerated. A single treatment of Vikane, when used according to label directions, can eliminate all bed bugs. And Vikane completely dissipates and does not leave surface residue, odor or film behind. Household items, including clothes, linens, dishes, cooking utensils and toys do not need to be washed after the fumigation. Vikane doesn’t damage electronics, antiques or sensitive fabrics.Options to Eliminate Bed BugsLabel directions for Vikane provide professionals with options to solve any bed bug problem. Bed bugs can be eliminated from sofas, recliners, box springs, mattresses and other furniture by doing a containerized fumigation. For example, the infested items would be placed inside a trailer, truck or storage pod and fumigated while inside. Or, Vikane can be used to eliminate bed bugs from an entire structure, including its contents, by having the building temporarily sealed with tarps. A treatment with Vikane gas can actually cost less than multiple treatments with insecticides. Working with Your Pest Management ProfessionalWhile one treatment with Vikane can eliminate a bed bug infestation, bed bugs will remain a problem if they are brought back into a structure after fumigation. Your pest management professional can help you guard against new or recurring bed bug problems. Those recommendations may include steps to take to avoid re-infestation, what to watch for when traveling or at home, and the need for regular professional inspections following the fumigation.®Trademark of Douglas Products.Vikane is a federally Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions.These materials have been created specifically for Vikane and no other fumigant. These materials may not be copied, whole or in part, or reproduced without the permission of Douglas Products. ©2016 Douglas Products. U01-069-157 (9/17) BRFumigationFacts.comNext >